The Exact Opposite of the Metaverse
By Bart Foster | Founder defines the Metaverse as, “A virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.” That’s the exact opposite of my latest business venture, BusinessOutside.
The future of the Metaverse that we know and imagine is all about the Inside—inside a virtual world, and inside four walls. My firm BusinessOutside is all about avoiding this virtual band-aid solution to gaps in human connection: by being outside in nature, outside comfort zones, and outside outdated corporate norms. These “outsides” are all interwoven.
As a former technology founder, I’m no luddite, and I use technology every day. Technology has and will continue to advance society for the better. But the metaverse will take us to a less healthy and inauthentically connected world, and the research and science backs me up. People are craving real connections and authenticity, especially after more than two years of pandemic-induced social distancing. That’s no surprise. Research shows being outdoors and personally connected are correlated with better psychological and physical health and wellbeing.
BusinessOutside is about getting people outside – literally and figuratively – to help businesses build more authentic, productive, and healthier people-first cultures. It is about completely rethinking how we do business to encourage personal growth, unlock the power of vulnerability, and prioritize empowerment and authenticity. Consider the following facts backed by science, and testimonials from first-hand experience.
Outside in nature: Being outside and active in nature can increase creativity and productivity; reduce blood pressure and heart-rate variables; and boost memory and cognitive functions.
“The science is clear: Nature exposure improves mental health,
boosts immunity, and contributes to better overall wellbeing.”
— Jared Hanley, NatureQuant CEO
Outside comfort zones: Pushing outside your comfort zone can increase self-efficacy, self-esteem, productivity, satisfaction, and overall psychological health.
“BusinessOutside provides a path to getting outside of your comfort zone, freeing
the brain and soul to make more meaningful connections with others.”
— Carla Pineyro Sublett, Chief Marketing Officer at IBM
Outside outdated norms: Organizations who rethink outdated norms and create people-first cultures foster better productivity, innovation, creativity, trust, and employee satisfaction.
“This is a vivid exemplar on the benefits of intentional living and working ‘outside the box’.”
— Reade Fahs, CEO of National Vision
The dawn of Web 3.0 is upon us, and along with it the metaverse. As a technology guy, I’ll explore it, as I’m sure you will. Mark Zuckerberg bet his entire company on it, so I’m not
denying its potential. But life is always about choices and selecting a lifestyle that promotes a healthy you. So, while I’ll visit the metaverse, my foundation will be outside—outside in nature, outside comfort zones, and outside outdated corporate norms. I hope you will join me.